把法国人谈恋爱讽刺得太好了我怀疑皮亚拉内心深处对法国精神充满了怀疑这或许也解释了为什么他是当时法国影坛上的异类了男主角女友借俄罗斯人之口描述法国的那段对话是片子的精髓French people are always afraid of being silly, they never simply say the weather is good or this girl is pretty. 把爱情拖拽到日常里就会发现它是何等令人生厌了但即便这样我也没有像爱你一样爱过别人了
He fell asleep without knowing his enemy was catching up just behind him. But bang! He resaw the moment when his friend was executed in the dream with a his frend calling his name just like his friend's spirit was still protecting him.This part is impressive.